HHESA Membership Eligibility

Membership in the HDEART Health Equity Scholars & Alumni Network (HHESA) is open to those who have been a part of programs addressing health inequities.  Originally, targeted to those individuals who were a part of the educational programs of the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Center for Research on Minority Health (CRMH)/Dorothy I. Height Center for Health Equity Research (DHCHEER), the Intercultural Cancer Council (ICC) & its Regional Networks, the Kellogg Health Scholars or the HDEART Educational Programs, we have now opened membership in the HHESA Network to anyone whose vision includes a bio-psycho-social or holistic approach to addressing health equity. 

We are creating a space where one can connect to exchange information, ideas, opportunities, experiences, etc. to support and help facilitate each other’s success while advancing health equity effort. The recent report by AHRO make clear that the job to address health equity is still there and what we have been doing is not working as well as we thought it was.  

Therefore, whether you are an academician, community activist, politician or just someone interested in addressing health equities in a positive manner, please join us in not always doing what we have always done, but doing something different, by getting out of our silos and trying a difference approach to address health inequities.